Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Well Done, Procter and Gamble!

Sandy has gone, but the problems are still there on the American East Coast, especially in New York City.
In true American fighting spirit though, brands, shops and manufacturers have been providing instant neighbourhood help. I'm always full of admiration for this kind of thing, and anybody who's ever worked for a big company will appreciate that any form of spontaneity is not at all easy to organise, let alone get it approved by various departments and cost-centres.

The one that impressed me the most was Duracell. (Made by manufacturing giant Procter & Gamble, no less!) They simply drove a truck through Lower Manhattan - a compact little thing called "The Rapid Responder". From this power station they distributed masses amounts of free batteries to power-starved people and provided charging stations for mobile phones  -1,000 hours for much needed mobile communication and internet access.

You can read a heart-warming report about how much all this was appreciated here:  (Quite funny that the Duracell truck was placed at Battery Park!)


I'd like to say "Well done, Procter & Gamble" showing true American spirit - providing fast and uncomplicated help - truly inspirational!

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